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The Vacuum State CookBooks

Allen Wright, the founder and managing director of Vacuum State is also
the author of two very well received books:

"The TubePreamp CookBook" and "The SuperCables CookBook".

Both of them allow you a deeper insight into his thinking and philosophy, but they also allow you to improve your own Hifi system to increasing sound quality with sometimes quite easily applicable methods, which lead to often stunning good results.


The Tube Preamp CookBook

On the market since 1995 and continually inspiring people. Nine chapters of hard won practical advice in designing, building and modifying tube preamps of all types, from simple to stunning...

Basic Philosophies
Building Blocks
Circuit Modules: Active
Circuit Modules: Passive
The SuperReg
A Tale of Two Preamps
Mods and Maybe's

You can buy this book directly from our Online Shop

Now in its Second Edition

Allen's intuitive grasp of the subject allows him to explain in everyday language, rather than try to make arguments look impressive with reams of unnecessary mathematics or obstruse gobbledegook. However, this book could cause a few problems for both those "new to electronics", as well as boys from the old school
as Maxwell Smart would say: "Sorry about that!"].

This is the only book I know of which dares to take audio design into a more metaphysical plane. Most like-minded thinkers either keep their knowledge secret or are too afraid of criticism to voice their opinions. There are plenty of cranks about spewing pseudo-science, but here the information presented here is derived from solid reasoning and experimentation, albeit with a modest sprinkling of fairy dust
it's called humour].

I thoroughly recommend this book to anyone interested in either modifying or building valve equipment. It's a worthwhile addition to any library on the black art of valve audio.

Andy Grove, Hi-Fi World Supplement Aug. '95 (excerpts)
] added by JR

"...a valve polemic calculated to annoy transistor heads...above all it's fun, informative and eminently digestible"

Ken Kessler, Hi-Fi News and Record Review May '95.

The SuperCables CookBook

Allen says:
"I believe cables are as important as any other system component, and bring you 15 years of my research on the subject."

188 Pages 130 Pics
35 Projects
Speaker Cables
AC Cords

Sonically superior to many hi-priced commercials, but at a fraction of the cost. And all with regular tools and readily available materials! There is also 23 pages of supporting theory, and we offer kits...

You can buy this book directly from our Online Shop

I have to say that SuperCables Cookbook is the most sensible, unapologetic discourse yet on a topic I loathe, detest, hate and despise
having to defend them]. This ring-bound wonder is an explosive little tome.

Do-it-yourselfers, precisely those who absolutely refuse to pay more than 10p a metre for a wire, can now fashion their own politically correct 'No Cost Super Twinlead', 'Double Cost Twinlead', 'Flat Stuff', 'Interleaved Ribbon Cable', 'Air-Spaced Finewires', a variety of foil cables, unbalanced and unshielded types, braided and unbraided, professional balanced/shielded, solid core, interconnects, AC cables, digital cables, video cables - it's all there.

Alas, the first edition is limited to 500 copies, so don't waste any time. Email him on . This book is set to join its predecessor, The Tube Preamp Cookbook, and Harvey Rosenberg's canon on the Definitive Audio Casualty Bookshelf.

Ken Kessler, Hi-Fi News and Record Review, Feb. '97 (excerpts)
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